Did you know ……….where my shop name came from?

Way back in high school my then boyfriend (now husband-yep high school sweethearts!) nicknamed me “Jaffa” as my maiden name initials were J-A-F.

The “doodles” part is for two reasons. I am the eldest of four children and the brother born after me initially had trouble with my name and called me “Doody” . This soon caught on and “Doodles” was regularly used by Mum and Dad. Secondly, I am renowned for doodling whenever I am on the phone if pen and paper are on hand!

Did you know………what “in the hoop” means?

Brief answer……..In the hoop designs are digitised in such a way that you make almost all of a bag, soft toy etc without removing the fabric from the embroidery hoop - which amazingly includes adding zippers and handles etc “all in the hoop”. Often, the only thing left to do is handsew the opening left in the lining once the project is removed from the hoop.

Longer answer……Embroidery using a sewing machine is done in several different ways. Often, a normal sewing machine will have a folder of decorative stitches to use - or you can do free motion decorative stitching. A computerised embroidery machine ( or normal sewing machine designed to allow a separate embroidery module to be attached) can be used with built in designs also. Designs need to be digitised in order for the machine to stitch out the design and there are many wonderful digitisers offering their designs for sale. An embroidery hoop is used to stabilise your fabric and allow free movement of the fabric under the needle.

In the hoop designs require strict attention to the digitiser’s instructions in order for the various elements of the item (eg zip for a zipper pouch) to be placed in exactly the right position on the hoop at each step of the process…….good digitisers are amazing at what they do. Designs are usually transferred from your computer to the embroidery machine via a USB.

Did you know…..what a chatelaine is?

The name chatelaine derives from the French term châtelaine which meant the mistress of a chateau. She would have worn a belt for her keys, which the current meaning of chatelaine derives from. “Sewing” chatelaines have evolved to be worn around your neck with a range of articles hanging from the cord……………….Everything within reach as You sit sewing.

Did you know…….what BISCORNU means?

A biscornu is a small, 8-sided, stuffed ornamental pincushion, usually made out of Aida cloth or linen. Embroidery or cross-stitch is used to decorate the top and bottom of the cushion. A button is typically secured in the centre of the cushion to give a small depression on the top. Beads, tassels and other objects can decorate the biscornu. They are typically able to fit in the palm of your hand. The name is derived from a French adjective, meaning skewed, quirky or irregular.

Did you know….. What MOBIUS means?

In mathematics, a Möbius strip, Möbius band, or Möbius loop is a surface that can be formed by attaching the ends of a strip of paper together with a half-twist (Wikipedia).

In this case a long tube of fabric has been given a half twist before joining the ends together.

…just for a laugh…….

BUT it is TRUE!!